Travelling. Business. You probably have an idea of what it looks like but I have had the priviledge of travelling business and first class four times this year with Air Canada. I want to get right to why I thoroughly enjoyed travelling business but first you need to get to know about the experience. […]
My Vanity Series- Part 3
This post will count as Part 3 as I have some great updates including the first item on this list: Vanity Table with Drawers- I got ONE!. It is from Ikea and is everything I need at this time. If I need more space, I can add another piece as an extension and it will add […]
Jetting Off To Toronto- YYZ
It is time to go home folks. Just for a little while. I am on my way to Toronto. I can’t wait to drink a Tim Horton’s hot chocolate and scarf down some ketchup chips. See you in a few hours Toronto.Can’t wait to see my fam. Tune into myInstagramInstatoriesSnapChat to follow along. Mom, I am coming home! -MsChurchDress
How to Style A Sweater Dress for Fall
Fall is here but not in San Francisco. It is relatively warm here but some evenings the heat fades and I feel like I am in Toronto in November. It can get cold so my looks have to be able to go from the heat to the cool. Transitioning into Fall can be difficult because […]
Jetting Off to Toronto- YYZ
It is time to go home folks. Just for a little while. I am on my way to Toronto. I can’t wait to drink a Tim Horton’s hot chocolate and scarf down some ketchup chips. See you in a few hours Toronto. Tune into myInstagramInstatoriesSnapChat to follow along. Can’t wait to see my fam. Mom. I am […]
Closet Dreamin’- Burberry Poncho
I truly think the key to being stylish is being an elevated version of yourself. We are all unique and different. To add a bit of style add a little bit more of you and there you got it… instant style. Ponchos are quick way to add instant style. Ponchos can be added to […]
12 Tan Bags You Will Love
I have been searching for the perfect tan- ish, nude purse for a while. I have black bags and coloured bags but it is good to have a tan bag that will match almost any look. Especailly in California, at times it seems too bright to wear black so I would opt for nude or […]