The bag that I usually take with me from day to day is my vintage Chanel Jumbo XL bag. It is usually filled with my necessities that I need to get through the day.
I purchased this bag pre-owned and usually purchase all my designer bags pre-owned. Wanna know why? That post is on its way!
I wanted a Chanel Jumbo XL because it was a great size for my body shape, it could hold a lot of things and was easily convertible to other styles ie clutch, cross body.
My Chanel XL Jumbo is fairly large and things can easily be lost at the bottom. To make things easy to find, I put items into smaller cases. For example, my makeup goes into my makeup case, so it does not float around in my bag and eventually get lost. I also do not want my makeup to stain the beautiful interior of the bag.
My Prada makeup bag. It carries all of my makeup items included Kleenex, mirror and emergency tweezers.
Kate Spade Card case. My best friend Elise got this for me for my birthday and it helpful if you want carry you cards separately or just need to grab your wallet necessities.
Gucci Wallet. This is my travel wallet that I usually take with me on trips. It’s large, has many compartments and it has spikes J. I keep my cards, receipts, wallet sized pictures, change and cash in this wallet
Celine Shadows. These are my signature sunglasses and I take them with me everywhere. If I am not wearing these I am wearing my vintage Dior shades.
Pack of Gum. I love Excel Gum and always have a pack for the plane or after eating a yummy slice of garlic bread!
Harrods Key case. I put my keys in a case to prevent them from scratching the interior of my bag.
Ritz Carlton Pen. I have stayed at so many Ritz Carlton hotels and I usually pick up the pens from the hotel room. Now I have a collection of them. A pen is always in my purse to write notes and fill out forms.
Hello Kitty Key. My friend Shana bought this key cover for me about 5 years ago and I never used it until now. It is so cute and an easy to way to find my keys in my bag. Even in a dark room if I feel the cat it means I got the keys.
What do you carry in your bag?
Do you carry granola bars, mints or other treats?
Do you prefer larger or smaller bags?
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