The Travel With MsChurchDress series was an introduction to the essential elements of my travel life. In the past couple of weeks we have learned together and shared with each other some of the ways we travel.
In Part 1 of the Travel with MsChurchDress Series I shared my favorite travel sized products. I must have my travel size baby powder, Sensodyne toothpaste and Thierry Mugler Angel Perfume.
Part 2 was all about clothing, shoes and accessories we should pack when heading on a vacation or a trip. Let the city and the weather be your guide when deciding on what you should take with you. Dream a little and make your clothing a reflection of who you are and the city you are visiting.
Our homes grieve when we leave. Ha! To prepare our homes before we go we should really consider all of the ways to prevent rotting food, floods or blown light blubs. My checklist is a great start to getting your home vacation ready.
Thank you for all your feedback, tips and questions about travel.
There will be more travel posts from my upcoming trips. Wish I could share where I am off to next.
Save as your homepage. Stay tuned.
Where do you think I am headed next?
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